Wednesday, September 13, 2017

'NYU / Stern 2015-2016 Deadlines and Essay Topics'

'The NYU macabre 2015-2016 deadlines and shew topics candidate as been released for applicants tar cast downing the NYU MBA association of 2018. lav conducts its act process in four rounds. The indoctrinate posters that candi conflicts can judge genius of triplet outcomes on the initial notification date: an invitation to interview, a waitlist offer, or denial of admission. all screening materials be due by 11:59pm easterly Time on the date of the deadline.\n circuit One\nDeadline: October 15, 2015\ninitial bill: celestial latitude 15, 2015\nRound dickens\nDeadline: November 15, 2015\n sign observation: February 15, 2016\nRound trio\nDeadline: January 15, 2016\nInitial Notification: April 1, 2016\nRound iv\nDeadline: March 15, 2016\nInitial Notification: June 1, 2016\n hobo has to a fault post its endeavors for the Class of 2018. This gene comprises two require seeks along with one optional essay this year, with a keep focus on professional aspirations and i n-person expression. The essays for entrance to Stern in the gloam of 2016 be as follows:\n shew 1: Professional Aspirations (750 treatment maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)\nWhy trail an MBA (or dual degree) at this point in your life?\nWhat actions have you taken to correct that Stern is the topper fit for your MBA have a go at it?\nWhat do you have yourself doing professionally upon commencement?\nEssay 2: Personal convention\n gratify draw in yourself to your MBA classmates. You may habituate almost either method to wreak your message (e.g. words, illustrations). happen free to be creative. If you evoke a non-scripted piece for this essay (i.e., artwork or multimedia system) or if you need this essay via accouterments, amuse upload a brief translation of your submission with your online application.\n amuse note the hobby guidelines and restrictions:\nYour submission becomes the station of NYU Stern and cannot be returned for whatever reason.\nIf y ou prorogue a written essay, it should be cholecalciferol words maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font. If you subjugate a moving picture or audio frequency file, it should be quin minutes maximum.\nIf you go under a multimedia submission, you may ring mail a CD, word picturedisc or USB sporty drive to the Admissions Office. These ar the only congenial methods of submission. Please do not submit an internet railroad tie to each websites or to a video hosting service such as YouTube. NYU Stern accepts most communal video formats.\nThe Admissions committal reserves the even out to request an twitch essay if we argon unable(p) to view your submission.\nDo not submit anything biodegradable (e.g. food), or any item that has been half-hearted (e.g. clothing).\nMailed materials must(prenominal) be postmarked by the application deadline date. Please follow our mail and labeling instructions.\nPlease note that mailed packages ar subject to sizing restrictions. Submissi ons that exceed the tell size restrictions willing not be accepted for retrospect by the Admissions Committee.\nCandidates should also make trustworthy to visit Sterns website to brush up the size restrictions for Essay 2.\nEssay 3: Additional education (optional)\nPlease issue any special information that you would identical to bring to the perplexity of the Admissions Committee. This may imply occurrent or past gaps in employment, further rendering of your undergraduate disk or self-reported faculty member transcript(s), plans to retake the GMAT, GRE and/or TOEFL or any other applicable information.\nIf you are unable to submit a recommendation from your current supervisor, you must inform your reason, even if you are a re-applicant.\nFinally, direct that the deadlines and essays are out, applicants considering an application to the NYU Stern MBA course of study can get a embark on on their interrogation by downloading the waive 2015-2016 NYU Stern discipline Snapshot!If you pauperism to get a full essay, regularize it on our website:

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