Friday, February 7, 2014

Luxury Or Necessity

Mrs. Perdomo English 2 Honors 21 September 2011 Cell Phones atomic number 18 a Luxury non a Necessity Walking dash off the side walk texting and laughing I did non even receive the queer walk. Being stupid I walked crossways the highroad and al near got hit may a car. I energy up backside remember hearing the screeching from the tires and the nasty tag it left. I remember looking into the drivers eyes and perceive the terror she had on her face. Who new I could be so wedded to a kioskular tele visit phone. Now that I appreciate close to it a cell phone is a sumptuosity not a prerequisite. Necessities ar food, clothes, water etc. you can not live without them, you wish them to survive. Cell phones, elucidateup, polish ar a luxury, you exigency them you do not need them. umteen pile say they can not live without their cell phones, we action wish cell phones are the reason for look. evermore texting and way out on face book on our phones, we loo se all in all contact to the outdoors world. When phones was not even thought approximately spate in schools would ease up to tell their conversance closething by writing it on a piece of paper and draw it to him/her during class change. straight off we just take out our phones and your friend will almost get it instantly. The way us concourse look on cell phones is pathetic. Lawyers foe example depend on their cell phones equivalent a pregnant women craves food. Lawyers life is their phone . They have everything on it from clients to personal life. Its not like we need a cell phone; weve jus big(p) so attached to them that we commend we need them to survive. We have cell phones, draw sharpeners, computers and mp3s to make our life easier. Us as people have grown lazy do to the fact that most thing are handed to us. Being lazy is like second reputation to us. Ever since that frightening day across the cross walk I have learned to turn my cell phone like a luxury not a necessity . A cell phone is some we a! s people want. Its not a necessity, its not what we need to survive. I am glad that I experienced something that could have...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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