Friday, November 15, 2013

Brian Rose Period 7 DC Psychology January 16, 2003 Chapter

Brian Rose Period 7 DC Psychology January 16, 2003 Chapter 2 Take-home Essay test 1.         Neurosis is maladaptive, repetitive, formed as a result of damned-up impulses in a restrictive environment. disquiet parkways this by causing as well as lots stress on the ego from the super-ego or id. The ego has to top too much time dealing with defense mechanisms and thence ties up salient amounts of libido. Libido is the breeding-giving force according to Freud. The more(prenominal) that is tie up the slight(prenominal) there is for life to continue in an organized way. Causing the person to let engulfed in their psychoneurotic behaviors. This is bring ond by the misgiving edit on the ego, because it has too advertise continuously with the super-ego and id to keep them from having too much control. When the super-ego or id induce to pose to the size of or bigger than the ego, there is major problems. much(prenominal) as anxiety causing neuroti c behaviors. The cathexis of libidinal energy is merelytoned up when there is anxiety localise on the ego by the super-ego or the id. They argon tied up by defense mechanisms that keep the libido from being released to force life-energy. The more libido tied up done cathexis the less life-energy. The anxiety is often suppressed into the unconscious mind. Dreams be a release of the anxiety through acting them out in dreams. Such as free association, hypnosis as well as sendence. The first stage the oral stage nominate cause anxiety when, because of lack of food, suckling or cuddling you fight off oral fixated when these are suppressed into the unconscious causing libido to change by reversal tied up with the suppression of the fixation. The second stage is the anal retentive stage, which causes anxiety cod to suppressed of pressured potty training, or flavor dishonour for gratification of expulsion or retention of feces. The lead stage the ph alto build uph eric stage causes anxiety when there is dis! compose for masturbation. As well as the unconscious for males of castration anxiety, the Oedipus interlocking is overly in the unconscious causing anxiety due to the fact boys have sexual feelings toward their m separates, which they female genital organ not detect out due to their tyros. Females it is conn in penis envy, that is anxiety for lack of a penis. As well as incestuous feelings for their fathers, which causes anxiety due to not being able to follow through on the desires. In summation anxiety direct affects neurosis by causing to large of a hear on the ego, by enlarging either the super-ego or the id. 2.         The men that I have necessity or loved in my life are Preston, microphone, Ralph, and Scott. The women are Zhia, Chiara, and Terri. Preston is an extrovert who evermore wants to try raw(a) things meet new peck travel the world, insofar he lowlife in any case be rattling cocky and arrogant. Mike is a satisfactory true c at takes care of responsibilities, always on undertaking, yet he is in truth anal retentive because he wants everything perfect. Ralph is smart, cunning and an all around good guy, but he is also very introverted and pessimistic. The last guy is Scott he is a hard-worker, slight and caring guy, his man hurry is he is messy and uncoordinated. Zhia is on task, very out going, yet lets every task behave her bolt down. Chiara is outgoing, sweet and caring, but also tricky and cunning in a bad way. Terri is outgoing, a helpful person who always does anything you ask, yet she is messy and unorganized and forgets. I have in the main outgoing bulk who get done what needs too be done. further for the closely spark off I tell apart commonwealth who arent like because they do whatever it takes to accomplish these things. The barely difference of opinion between the sexes is that Ralph is introverted and all the woman are extroverts.

The plummy characteristics of my parents come mainly in my mom who is outgoing, swordplay harming caring person, her only downfall would be that she lets delicate things anesthetise her. My father I dont have a kind with currently but as a child I axiom him as demanding, arrogant, cocky and just useless, but I also looked up too him for his athletic ability and accomplishments, he was my idol. My generate i viewed in the same way for the intimately part except I didnt realize how every task beared down on her so much. My mother portrays all the qualities I approve in my friends, the one downfall of hers is even downfalls of other friends. My father is what I like least about most of my friends, he has many qualities that I dislike. transferral is where the patie nt brings up attitudes, ideas and somatogenic characteristic of people in the patients prehistorical, they present this to the fatuous harbour therapist. This earmarks them to be brought into current context so the therapist sight bring understanding for the patient. I bring up people in my past and my present to see if I can see myself in them. As well as see where I learned to choose friends. I can transfer my feelings about those I love to examen my family relationship with them. Transference gives you a way to bring up the past through other people. Allowing you to evaluate what went wrong in the relationship or what could cause it to go better. This should be very rough-and-ready in marriage relationships, bringing forward the annoyances to see if u can deal with them for life or not. It could be very therapeutic, to allow you to vent with out blowing up at that person. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our websi te: OrderEssay.n! et

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