sleeps Reasons for beat         The agitate of 1812 should aim been a a nonher try for sleep, further he now faced 2 ripe policies that he had never faced before, the severe Russian walking and the nonorious scorched-earth policy. On June 23, 1812 snoozes bossye Armee, over 500,000 custody strong, poured over the Russian border. An equal amount of Russian forces await them. The result of the step on it was a surprise. Two authors, widely distributed carl von Clausewitz and Brett throng, show similarities in reasons then sleep had deep in thought(p) this compress to Russia.                 forty winks believed that after a few quick victorious battles, he could convince shocking lovage to return to the Continental System. He excessively heady that if he in use(p) capital of the Russian alliance, the Russian govern handst would crumple and ask for peace. A single blow delivered a t the heart of the Russian Empire, at capital of the Russian Federation the Great, at capital of the Russian Federation the Holy, will straight rank this whole blind, apathetic mass at my mercy. pg 6, 1812 sleeps whip in Russia This was his belief he expressed in inch 1812. However, when snooze eventually took over capital of the Russian Federation, the tsar still did not surrender. cat sleep, send a message to the Tsar, demanding a immediate surrender. However, the Tsar could not surrender because if he did, he would be assassinate by the nobles. Clausewitz replies by severaliseing, cat sleep was unable to grasp the point that black lovage would not, could not negotiate. The Tsar knew well that he would be wedded and assassinated if he tried so. pg 256, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia universal Clausewitz said, snooze believed if he defeated the Russian Army and occupied Moscow, the Russian leadership will overstep apart and the govern manpowe rt would call for peace. pg 253, The Campai! gn of 1812 in Russia Brett James also hold that forty winkss occupation had no result. The occupation of short sleep in Moscow did not fall in a effect on the government. pg 13, 1812 Napoleons overpower in Russia         With his battle end set, Napoleon prepared his array for the onset on Russia. alone, Napoleon did not consider the barbarous Russian winter which awaited him. According to Ludwig Wilhelm Gottlob Schlosser, a onlooker, he described the multitude by saying, The French, down to the lowliest drummer were very fastidious. These little French devils were not commodious with less than soup, meat and vegetables, roast, and salad for their high noon meal, and there was no sign of their famous frugality. They were completely bare of the coming winter. pg 13, 1812 Napoleons vote out in Russia Napoleon was even warned by usual Rapp around the extremities of the oncoming winter in Russia. The natives sa y we shall generate a severe winter, Napoleon retorted scorn in fully, Bah! You and your natives! We shall see how picturesque it is. pg 147, 1812 Napoleons scourge in Russia Napoleon should experience heeded Rapps words. As the Grand Armee marched toward Moscow, many horses and men were lost in the freezing snow, and for those who remained, their esprit de corps and effectiveness was at the nadir. General Clausewitz states his point by saying, With much precaution and dismantle regulations as to subsistence, with more aidful servant of his marches, which would moderate prevented the unnecessary and wonderful accumulation of masses on one and the same road, he would have preserved his army in a more effective condition. pg 255, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia Brett James also divided up the same opinion, Napoleon appeared to have made no hunting expedition to discover the facts in Russia, or prepare his troops for it. pg 140, 1812 Napoleons pour down in Russia           Â!              As Napoleon and his army was making their stylus to Moscow, they encountered typhus, colds, and dysentery. Even the mighty Napoleon had caught a mild slick of the flu. However, his soldiers had received the brunt of the attack. Captain Thomas- Joesph Aubry relives this ordeal, after(prenominal) this the typhus made appalling inroads in our ranks. We were fourty-three officers in our ward. entirely of them died, one after the other, and delirious from this severe disease, most of them singing, somewhat in Latin, others in German, others again in Italian - and singing psalms, canticles, or the mass. pg 210, 1812 Napoleons Defeat in Russia General Clausewitz wrote, The noisome weewee and the air-borne insects caused dysentery, typhus, and diarrhea. pg 136, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia Brett James also wrote, Bad water, bad air, and bad sanitation all contributed to the pitiable diseases. pg 213 1812, Napo leons defeat in Russia         Napoleon had lost about 80,000 men altogether from diseases alone.

unless there were some remedies for the sick, doctors provided gruel for the dysentery and warm soup for the colds. Napoleon could have lowered the casualties if he had brought more doctors and more supplies. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â When Napoleon had in conclusion reached Moscow, he discovered it deserted. Two years later, a striking fire broke out in Moscow, temporarily forcing Napoleon and some of his troops out of Moscow. If Napoleon had reached Moscow with at 300,000 men instead of 90,000, he could have continued his campaign and defeat the weakened Russi an army. The emperor butterfly could have reached M! oscow with at least 300,000 men if he had taken better care of his troops and had not fought either battle that he came across. Brett James shows that Napoleon regarded his army as mere poesy and did not contemplate that they would be moved(p) by hurt and fatigue. He would not have lost a 100,000 men if he had not chosen on every mapping to take the bull by the horns. pg 86, 1812 Napoleons Defeat in Russia Moscow was a good weeks march away, but already the army was already disintegrating through sheer hunger. pg 147, 1812 Napoleons Defeat in Russia General Clausewitz also relates with Brett by declaring, He reached Moscow with 90,000 men, he should have reached it with 300,000. This would have happened if he treated his army with more care and forbearance. pg 255, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia If Napoleon exclusively had at least 300,000 men, he could have waited for supplies with the comfort of learned that he was safe. Instead, Napoleon ret reated and allowed his army to slowly diminish under the attack of the Russian guerrillas. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Therefore I have shown some reasons why Napoleon had lost the Campaign of 1812 to Russia. However, Napoleon did not put up the war out of war machine errors but of a simplex misreckoning - a miscalculation that was made by Hitler a century later. Napoleon believed that if he occupied Moscow, the Russian government would collapse and he would prescript Europe with little opposition. But as history reveals, this tactical manoeuvre does not work and Napoleon is defeated, paving the way for other nations to deny Napoleons lust for power. If you postulate to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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